Production application for i2S CopiBook OS, IIRI Gemini & Nikon D810 DSLR Camera
Building from previous software and learning the needs from our customers, Scantheus is a powerful, new book scanning software designed for 21st century needs. Featuring a simple user interface and customizable settings, Scantheus is able to run the i2s CopiBook OS scanner, the IImage Retrieval Gemini scanner and the Nikon D810 DSLR camera. It runs on any Windows 64bit PC with USB 3.x ports.
Key Features of Scantheus
Automated and customizable camera calibration
Customizable camera settings
Motion detect scan option - scan is triggered automatically after page turn
Ability to define fixed scan area (region of interest)
Calibration using color chart or black and white pages.
Auto Detect and Fixed Page Extraction
Single, Dual and Multipage Detection

Metadata & Output
Customizable file naming
TIFF, JPEG and PDF output
EXIF tag support
Single and Multipage file output
Color, grayscale and bitonal
Processing & Enhancement
Scalable DPI
Ability to modify scanned pages (rotate, crop, auto deskew, manual deskew, delete, move)
Can insert scanned pages anywhere in book

​Simple Interface
Live Preview showing Document Detect and Cropping
Customizable thumbnail book view
Exclusive Gemini Features
​Two-camera support
Ability to merge 2 pages at scan time
Can merge two scanned images from thumbnails