Black Border Removal
Precision Cropping
Page Curve Correction
Multi-Page Files
PDF Compression
Multi-format Output

Image Retrieval
understands each project is unique

A host of tools offer customized output options

We can process images scanned in Dallas or elsewhere
Black Border Removal & Deskew
Often times, images that are coming off of a scanned microfilm roll will appear to be crooked and have a large black box around them. This will make the file size significantly larger and have a curved image that is harder to read and OCR. Image Retrieval is able to correct angle of the original document and rotate the image accordingly and the black border is then cropped.

Precision Cropping
If you’re looking for a smaller image with a smaller file size, or you want to remove most of a black border, Image Retrieval offers precision cropping to remove black borders either mostly or completely. Standard imaging software will detect image borders and leave a small black frame buffer so that the image does not lose any data or we can remove the entire border, also without losing information.
Geometric Curve Correction
When bound materials are scanned, images will often some curvature into the spine, often distorting the text and pictures on the pages, even when a glass is used to flatten images. Image Retrieval uses i2s Book Restorer Software to geometrically restore the original shape of the pages, resulting in outputted imaged with straight edges and text. When combined with OCR, this also improves the searchability of the text, as well as the general appearance. We can apply this software to scanned books as well as microfilm containing images of bound works.

Multi-Page Files​
In many cases, more than one image makes up the complete record or file, such as a newspaper having multiple pages in one issue, which can make searching through large collections difficult. Image Retrieval can combine multiple pages into one file so instead of the having to look through tons of individual PDF files, the user is able to look through one multipage PDF that is named based on user criteria.
PDF Compression​
Multi-page PDF files can add up to large file sizes that clog up valuable space. By using leading edge technology, Image Retrieval is able to produce small PDF files possible without losing image quality. Image Retrieval can compress files to just a fraction of the original file- Generally, as small as just 1%, while also able to perform many processes that improve the images such as smoothing rough edges, image contrast, and output a higher level of OCR accuracy. The end result will provide you with PDF files that use less disc space and open faster.

By default, scanned images are named in sequential order as they come off the scanner (e.g., “007.jpg,” “008.jpg,” etc.) This method labels the images based on their order in the source book or on the source roll film, however, this may not be the right method for your collection. Quite often the images need to be indexed or named according to specific fields located in the images or predetermined naming schemes. Image Retrieval has designed software that allows us to easily name and index files base on your project's specifications, allowing your personnel to easily locate and retrieval their desired records within a group of documents. Image Retrieval prices our indexing services based on number of fields, characters, and naming convention. Depending on your specific requirements, we can manually enter these values to name each image.
OCR software searches through the images to locate alphabetic and numerical characters and assigns them accordingly so the user is able to search the materials for a specific word or phrase and export content to different file formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel, plain text, and XML. If wanted, you will receive a master format of your choosing and a derivative searchable PDF for all OCR materials.

Photostat Image Processing
Image Retrieval Photostat Image Processing service takes document images that contain both positive and negative areas and converts the negative areas to create an all-positive image. Documents like these can be found in places such as county governments archives where the original document was a photostat (negative) but a positive certification strip was placed across it. We can process both bi-tonal and grayscale images in all form factors. We can also output to the same image file type or a different one. Images can be renamed or bundled into a multipage file format if required.