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Production application for i2S
CopiBook scanners
Based on feedback from CopiBook owners, IIRISA is an IImage Retrieval designed production application that controls i2s CopiBooks from an exterior PC and speed up production output. IIRISA has been proven to cut production times and create a more relaxed and efficient scanning process, whether it is for ILL (Interlibrary Loan), mass production or on-demand scanning.
Key Features of IIRISA
Full Screen Preview​
The IIRISA application is divided into three main sections: Control, Thumbnails, and Preview. Before each scan, a real-time preview will show the user what will be scanned and how the image will be cropped. Adjustments to the image can be made before the scan is performed in order to eliminate downtime caused by rescans.

Control Panel​
The control panel is displayed during scanning and the user can easily change settings between each scan without slowing down production. The control panel allows the user to change color mode, resolution, cropping, book cradle height, glass control, page capture, output destination and image insertion.
Thumbnail Window
This window shows a thumbnail of scanned pages in the current order that they were scanned. Images can be moved into a new order or deleted before they are indexed and written to the output folder, If the user clicks on one of the thumbnails, the real time preview is replaced by the image in the large preview screen.

Preview Window
IIRISA offers a variety of cropping options that are customizable for every scan. The user can easily switch between automatic, fixed or use both. With live preview, the user can set fixed dimensions, move sides, corner or full boxes. A user can also manually define the crop box which can be fixed so the scanner will always crop in that area.
File Naming
During scan time, all files are saved to the cache so that they can be deleted, cropped, edited, or repositioned before the images are written to the output folder. The user can then define the output folder, file type, and naming structure. The images can be formatted into a multi-page file or named sequentially as individual images.

Image Delivery
IIRISA enables the user to choose between a variety of delivery methods such an emailing attachments, sending a link to a dropbox/FTP, uploading images directly to an FTP site or to a cloud service.
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