Hybrid 3D & Photometric Stereo Method With Hybrid 3D, users can capture 3D surface information even more precisely and with exact height information. CRUSE Hybrid delivers impressive results, especially for templates whose structure is located on two or more different height ranges.

The photometric stereo method calculates the 3D surface information based on its shading. Despite lower data volume and faster processing, the user can capture the finest details even with low-resolution scans.

Also, it is possible to have no noise with stereo photogrammetry. The disadvantages of the photometric stereo method, however, are that it smooths sharp edges and lacks absolute depth values.

The detailed and error-free photometric results are combined with the exact height data of stereo photogrammetry using two additional scans at different angles. The result is a very high degree of detail in fine structures with simultaneously high dynamics of several inches and exact reproduction of height conditions.

Difference between Factory & Hybrid
Requires 4 scans with different light directions and a left + right scan for accurate color information.
With this approach, many details are captured at low resolution. The calculation process is faster, the dynamic range is lower than hybrid, discontinuities and jumps appear smoothed.
Uses at least 4 scans with different light directions and at least two angle scans.
The process is fast and provides reliable absolute height values and a correct reproduction of edges and discontinuities. Compared to a calculation with Factory without hybrid, the dynamic range is much higher with very good detail resolution at the same time.