Why Have Your Materials Scanned?
Digitization is the conversion of microfilm, microfiche, books, and documents into electronic images that can be viewed on a computer. Digital images allow for documents to be retrieved quickly and easily. With the documents now stored in digital format, documents no longer take up physical space within an office or building.The original documents, microfilm, or books can then be stored offsite. This is why organizations, governments, and educational institutions around the world are converting their files and films to digital images.
Below are some more benefits of digitization:​
Eliminates off-site retrieval: Records can be stored on your network and/or hard drives, taking up very little physical space that you will not need offsite retrieval.
View, print, and email a document without leaving your desk.
Manages records easily: Rolls & books cannot be misfiled and lost because they are located on a computer.
Ease of Access
Images are centrally available: Staff no longer need to walk to different departments and storage rooms to find particular documents.
Multiple access points: Multiple staff can view the same documents on different computers at the same time.
Information may be placed online: Anyone with access can view it online without risk of damage.
Fast Information Retrieval
Ends delays searching for lost, misplaced, or misfiled documents: Images will remain in the same location for easy retrieval.
Documents can be accessed and viewed instantly.
OCR allows for fast information locating: Optical Character Recognition allows users to immediately search for key phrases or words in a document.
Clears physical storage space: After converting a collection, the material can be destroyed or moved to another storage facility.
Disaster Proof: Your image files can be backed up to multiple located in case of a fire or flood.
Prevents loss of Information: Digital images cannot deteriorate or loose quality over time. The information you capture from a scan will not degrade over time as would happen with paper or film.
Unlimited storage back up: Digital images have no limit to the amount of back-ups that can be made.